BDiscovered are a non-exclusive Talent Agency and Artist Managers supporting the careers of actors, models, singers, dancers, entertainers, presenters and writers.
BDiscovered offers a personal service to these artists and suggests the appropriate artists for all suitable work.
BDiscovered is privileged to work with a wide range of Casting Directors, Directors and Producers throughout the world who send us casting briefs and then consider out suggestions, we currently receive 80 - 90 job briefs every working day.
BDiscovered has developed an excellent reputation with Casting Directors, Directors and Producers for providing a large range of artists with a diverse range of looks and skills to fulfil their casting briefs.
BDiscovered is committed to equal opportunities for all, irrespective of race, colour or national origins, gender, marital status, sexuality, disability or age. We are committed to taking positive action to promote such equality of opportunity.
BDiscovered will contact you with any auditions which we keep a recorded history of your attendance and results, often attaining feedback for the artist.
Artists are allocated a BDiscovered Client Relationship Manager to assist with the artist's requirements within BDiscovered on a personal level.